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Irom Chanu Sharmila The Iron Lady of Manipur


Irom Chanu Sharmila: The Iron Lady of Manipur and Her Struggle for Peace

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Discover the remarkable life of Irom Chanu Sharmila, a symbol of resistance in Manipur, and her 16-year hunger strike for justice. Unravel the legacy of Irom Chanu Sharmila, the courageous activist who challenged AFSPA through her historic hunger strike. Learn about Irom Chanu Sharmila, the icon of nonviolent resistance, and her fight against AFSPA that captivated the nation for years. Delve into the peaceful struggle of Irom Chanu Sharmila, the Iron Lady of Manipur, and her plea for comprehensive change and peace. Explore the journey of Irom Chanu Sharmila, a resolute activist who fought for justice in Manipur and inspired generations worldwide.

Who is Iron Sharmila?

Meet Irom Chanu Sharmila, an extraordinary figure from Manipur, India, whose indomitable will and nonviolent struggle made her a global icon. In the northeastern state of Manipur, Sharmila valiantly battled against the oppressive Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). Her remarkable 16-year hunger strike garnered national attention, shedding light on the grave human rights violations and violence in the region. This article delves into the life, activism, and profound impact of  Irom Chanu Sharmila as we explore her unwavering pursuit of justice, the pivotal moment when she decided to end her hunger strike, and her heartfelt plea for lasting peace in Manipur. Her courage and dedication continue to inspire countless individuals in their fight for justice and change.

Early Life and Activism

Born on March 14, 1972, in Manipur, Irom Chanu Sharmila grew up in a state plagued by violence and insurgency. Manipur, located in India's northeast, has long suffered from the implementation of AFSPA, a law that grants the armed forces sweeping powers and legal immunity. Sharmila witnessed the injustices and human rights abuses inflicted upon the people of Manipur, especially women, and developed a deep sense of duty to fight against these atrocities.

The Birth of a Movement

The turning point in Sharmila's life came on November 2, 2000, when the Malom Massacre occurred. Ten innocent civilians were shot and killed by Indian paramilitary forces at a bus stop in Imphal, Manipur. Deeply affected by this tragedy,  Irom Chanu Sharmila decided to embark on an indefinite hunger strike, vowing not to eat until AFSPA was repealed. This hunger strike would become the longest in recorded history.

The Brutality of Afspa

The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, enacted in 1958 during India's colonial era, granted the armed forces sweeping powers in "disturbed" areas. These powers included the authority to use force, arrest without warrants, and even shoot to kill based on "reasonable suspicion." The act gave security forces virtual immunity from prosecution, leading to widespread allegations of human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings.

The Symbol of Resistance

As news of  Irom Chanu Sharmila hunger strike spread, she became a symbol of resistance and a voice for the oppressed. Her pale face, unruly hair, and the feeding tube attached to her nose became iconic images of her unwavering commitment to justice. International human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International, recognized her as a prisoner of conscience and campaigned for the repeal of AFSPA.

Challenges and Struggles

 Irom Chanu Sharmila's hunger strike was not without challenges and struggles. She was arrested and imprisoned numerous times, force-fed through nasal tubes against her will, and faced criticism and marginalization from some sections of society. Despite these obstacles, she remained resolute in her fight, never wavering from her demand for the complete repeal of AFSPA. Sharmila's hunger strike was not without immense personal sacrifices. Just three days after she began her protest, she was arrested and subjected to torture and force-feeding in hospitals and jails. Despite facing immense physical and emotional challenges, Sharmila remained resolute in her demand for justice. Her hunger strike became the longest in recorded history, drawing international attention and earning her accolades as a prisoner of conscience.

International Recognition and Support

Sharmila's hunger strike garnered international attention and support. She received numerous awards and accolades, including being voted the top woman icon of India on International Women's Day in 2014. Journalists, activists, and politicians from around the world admired her courage and resilience in the face of adversity.

The Decision to End the Hunger Strike

After 16 years of fasting, Sharmila made the difficult decision to end her hunger strike on August 9, 2016. She realized that being seen as a symbol had limited her ability to effect real change on the ground. Sharmila expressed her desire to transition from being an icon to actively participating in politics to bring about the reforms she had fought for.

Achievements and Legacy

Although Sharmila's hunger strike did not result in the complete repeal of AFSPA, her activism brought global attention to the issue and sparked a renewed debate on the law's impact on human rights. Sharmila's unwavering determination and sacrifice continue to inspire activists and individuals fighting for justice and peace around the world.

A Call for Comprehensive Change

 Irom Chanu Sharmila's struggle against Afspa was not just for the Meitei community but for all communities in Manipur, including the Kukis and Nagas. She emphasizes the need for comprehensive reforms and the eradication of discriminatory practices. Sharmila believes that bridging the gap between the people of northeastern states and the rest of India is essential for true unity and integrity.

A Legacy of Courage and Determination

 Irom Chanu Sharmila's journey is a testament to the power of one individual's conviction and sacrifice. Her hunger strike, though challenging and controversial, shed light on the human rights abuses under Afspa and served as a catalyst for change. While her political aspirations may have faced hurdles, her legacy as the Iron Lady of Manipur will forever inspire generations to come.

As we reflect on  Irom Chanu Sharmila's tireless efforts and unwavering determination, let us remember that the fight for justice and peace requires collective action and a commitment to upholding the rights and dignity of all individuals. Only through unity can we overcome the challenges that continue to plague our society and create a better future for all.

The Impact of Sharmila's Movement

 Irom Chanu Sharmila's movement had a profound impact on the people of Manipur and beyond. It brought widespread attention to the human rights abuses perpetuated under Afspa and sparked a larger conversation about the need for its repeal. The solidarity and support she received from various human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, amplified her message and strengthened the call for justice.

A New Chapter: Political Engagement

In 2016, after 16 years of fasting,  Irom Chanu Sharmilamade the decision to end her hunger strike. She realized that being a symbol was not enough to bring about lasting change and decided to enter the political arena. She formed the Peoples' Resurgence and Justice Alliance and contested the 2017 Manipur Assembly elections. While her political journey faced setbacks, her entry into politics marked a new phase in her fight for justice and peace.

Post-Hunger Strike Life and Plea for Peace

Following the end of her hunger strike,  Irom Chanu Sharmila left Manipur and settled in Karnataka with her husband, Desmond Coutinho. She continued her activism by appealing to the women of Manipur, regardless of their ethnic identity, to unite and work towards peace in the state. She called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah to visit Manipur, understand the root causes of the conflict, and address them effectively.


 Irom Chanu Sharmilas 16-year hunger strike may have ended, but her legacy as the Iron Lady of Manipur lives on. Her relentless pursuit of justice and peace serves as a reminder that even a single individual can make a significant impact on society. As Manipur strives for peace and reconciliation, Sharmila's call for unity and her plea for the government's attention should not be ignored. It is through collective action and a commitment to justice that lasting change can be achieved in Manipur and beyond.


1. What is AFSPA, and why was it the focus of  Irom Chanu Sharmila's protest?

AFSPA stands for the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, a controversial law that grants the armed forces sweeping powers and legal immunity in "disturbed" areas.  Irom Chanu Sharmila protested against this act due to the widespread allegations of human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings carried out under its provisions.

2. Did Sharmila's hunger strike lead to any changes in AFSPA?

While  Irom Chanu Sharmila's hunger strike did not result in the complete repeal of AFSPA, it brought significant attention to the issue and sparked debates on human rights and state violence. The struggle against AFSPA continues, and there have been some efforts to amend or modify the act in response to public pressure.

3. How did Sharmila cope with the challenges of her hunger strike?

 Irom Chanu Sharmila faced numerous challenges, including arrests, force-feeding, and criticism. She relied on her inner strength and the support of human rights organizations and sympathizers to sustain her determination and focus on her cause.

4. What impact did Sharmila's movement have on Manipur's society?

 Irom Chanu Sharmila's movement brought widespread attention to the human rights abuses under AFSPA, uniting various communities in Manipur in the demand for justice and peace. It also highlighted the need for comprehensive reforms and unity among the people of the region.

5. How is Sharmila continuing her activism after ending her hunger strike?

After ending her hunger strike,  Irom Chanu Sharmila shifted her focus to political engagement. She formed the Peoples' Resurgence and Justice Alliance and contested the Manipur Assembly elections in 2017. She continues to advocate for peace and justice and calls upon the government to address the issues faced by the people of Manipur.

People also ask

  • How did Irom Chanu Sharmila survive?
  • Irom Chanu Sharmila survived her 16-year hunger strike by being force-fed through a nasal tube. She was arrested and detained in a hospital under the Indian Penal Code's Section 309, which criminalizes attempted suicide. The Indian government argued that she was a threat to her own life and that force-feeding was necessary to save her. Sharmila refused to eat or drink voluntarily, but she did not resist the force-feeding.
  • Irom Sharmila husband?
  •  Irom Chanu Sharmila is married to Desmond Anthony Bellarmine Coutinho, a British citizen. They were married in 2017 in a civil ceremony in Tamil Nadu. Coutinho is a human rights activist and has been a vocal supporter of Sharmila's cause.
  • Why did Irom Sharmila fast?
  •  Irom Chanu Sharmila began her hunger strike on November 5, 2000, to protest the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA). AFSPA is a controversial law that gives Indian security forces sweeping powers in the northeastern states of India, including the power to shoot to kill without fear of prosecution. Sharmila argued that AFSPA was responsible for the deaths of many innocent civilians in Manipur and that it was a violation of human rights.
  • Longest hunger strike in the world?
  • Irom Chanu Sharmila's hunger strike is considered to be the longest hunger strike in the world. She went without food or water for 16 years, 111 days. The previous record was held by Ramchandra Guha, an Indian lawyer who fasted for 211 days in 1973.
  • Irom Sharmila Chanu latest news?
  • Irom Chanu Sharmila is currently living in Bangalore, India. She has been active in the campaign to repeal AFSPA and has spoken out against human rights abuses in Manipur. In 2017, she contested the Manipur Assembly elections but lost. She is still a vocal advocate for peace and justice in Manipur.
  • Irom Chanu Sharmila in Hindi?
  • Irom Chanu Sharmila is known as "इरोम चानू शर्मिला" in Hindi. She is also known as the "Iron Lady of Manipur" or "Mengoubi" ("the fair one").
  • Irom Sharmila movement?
  • The Irom Sharmila movement is a nonviolent protest movement that was started by Sharmila in 2000 to protest AFSPA. The movement has been successful in raising awareness about the issue of AFSPA and has put pressure on the Indian government to repeal the law.
  • Irom Sharmila election result
  •  Irom Chanu Sharmilacontested the Manipur Assembly elections in 2017 as an independent candidate. She lost the election to incumbent Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh. She received only 90 votes.
  • I hope this answers your questions. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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